My Hobby Photo Book by Bird Photographer Janet B.
Hobbies! What are you into? Whether it's collecting vintage finds, renovating homes, or practicing a new skill, these moments are special because they bring you joy.
It’s a form of self-care when we get to express ourselves and partake in hobbies that bring us joy. They help connect us with ourselves and they’re often a creative outlet. Creating a photo book of your favorite hobbies is a great way to memorialize what makes you, you!
We interviewed Mixbook creator Janet B. on her hobbyist photo book. Janet is an avid bird watcher and photographer and she finds joy in printing all her beautiful nature photos.
What is it about your hobby that you enjoy most?
Photography is an absolutely amazing hobby that has allowed me to share my passion for nature with friends and family! When the Covid pandemic hit and our ability to engage with others was altered – I spent hours outdoors taking photos. I made it my goal to see how many birds I could photograph and identify in Canada in a one-year period. From March 2021 to March 2022, I observed and photographed 200 different birds, met and shared stories with many talented birders and photographers, and felt inspired every moment!
How do you use Mixbook photo books?
Mixbook photo books are just awesome! I am able to start a book, upload my photos and work at it over time, adding to it as I go along. I was taking hundreds of photos every day, and trying different ones in my book, seeing what worked - and unless I delete the project, it remains online and I can be confident my work is there when I need it. Mixbook keeps me organized and I can be very creative and customize my project using text and photos. All instructions are clear and easy to follow and the live chat is quick to respond.
Why is it important to you to document these moments?
Documenting the photos of the 200 birds I saw in a one-year period was very important to me. I did not realize just how many species are right outside our front door - fast-moving tiny, bright-colored warblers, beautiful waterfowl, fierce birds of prey – so exciting! I wanted my family, kids, and those who follow to appreciate the world of nature through my photo book.
What is your favorite species of bird and why?
It is difficult to pick one species of bird as a favorite but for sure the stunning Northern Flicker is at the top of the list! They are a large brownish woodpecker with a black bib and have distinct black-scalloped plumage. The red nape looks like a heart, and Flickers in the east are yellow-shafted and in flight the yellow is spectacular. They always look like they are dressed for a party!
“I wanted my family, kids, and those who follow to appreciate the world of nature through my photo book. ”
What's your favorite Mixbook editor feature?
My favorite Mixbook editor feature is the “swap pages” option. It is so convenient that I can get my project started, and as I take more photos and upload them, I can move single or double pages around at a time to get the project just right. I may think my book is done and then I find another bird and can slip it in by moving pages etc. The order of the pages in my latest Mixbook was important as I was coordinating it with the Canadian Official Bird Check-list and the swap pages feature helped me keep the book in chronological order.