Everyone loves a good classic Christmas party that keeps with tradition. After all, it means going through age-old motions that are as comforting as they are fun. But sometimes it feels awesome to step away from the virgin eggnog and chestnuts/open fire, and either get a little rowdy or get out into the night. Still, the fact remains that December is an elfing crazy time of year, and it’s key to keep any and all festivities simple whether they’re wacky or classic. Just make up your mind to have some unfussy fun this holiday, and invite friends over for a little celebration that departs from the standard rituals. Here are our 6 favorite holiday party invitations that are on the wackier side.

Elfing Fun Holiday Party
1. Pick a date, customize this card, and send it to anyone you know who likes to get elfed up for the holidays.2. The Let’s Get Elfed Up party could just be a fun way of telling friends you’re ready for a fun night of celebration. Or you could actually instruct guests to come dressed as elfs. Either way, the planning and prep is simple. On the day of your party, set out a simple spread of miniature snacks like tiny hot dogs wrapped in puff pastry or sweet dates wrapped in crispy bacon. Elves love that stuff. 3. Just before guests arrive – perhaps after you’ve donned your green tights and jingle bells, if you’re going there – set up a station in your kitchen or bar where guests can shake the party’s signature cocktail: The Happy Elf!
Ugly sweater party

1. Pick a date, customize this card, and send it to anyone you know who either loves to play dress-up or takes his or her holiday wardrobe way too seriously. 2. Invite friends over for a night of parading around in their most ridiculous holiday sweaters. The key getting a great turnout where everyone’s sporting truly tasteless treasures is offering a prize for the get-up that’s so bad it’s awesome. Remind friends to use the interwebs for ideas and inspiration… 3. The greatest thing about an Ugly Sweater Party is that because you’re putting tacky style on a pedestal, the bar is low for food and drink too. So channel the 80s and make a few Jell-O molds and some Chex Mix to match the mood. And while you’re at it, go ahead and up the ante with a little irony and pretend you’re among an elitist crop of cutting-edge tastemakers.

Christmas Lights Walking Tour 1. Pick a date, customize this card, and send it to everyone you know who is dazzled by twinkling lights. 2. Here’s a party that’s easiest to pull off if you live in an area where neighbors make a sport out of one-upping each other with front-yard spectacles come Christmas. Simply invite friends and family members to come over and walk around the neighborhood together. 3. On the day of your party, simply prep a pot of hot cocoa or mulled cider, plus a hot toddy or two, then step out into the neighborhood together and enjoy gawking at all the pretty blinking lights before heading home and getting cozy with a hot drink. It’s good, clean family fun, followed by a hot drink. Nothing’s better.

Secret Santa Party1. Pick a date, customize this card, and send it to close friends and family members who like one juicy gift instead of a multitude of insignificant ones. 2. If you’re on a budget, a Secret Santa party is a great way to minimize expenditure. And if you have a large family, it’s also a great way to keep from having a ridiculously large pile of presents. Simply have guests pull a name from a hat so they have one gift to buy for one specific person. While you’re at it, have them draw a food or beverage item to bring. 3. On the day of your party, just set the scene with Christmas music and decorations. Clear space for all the food and beverages, and make a comfy room for guests to gather. Then let the gift exchange begin!

White Elephant Party1. Pick a date, customize this card, and send it to everyone you know who gets a big thrill from unwrapping gifts even if they’re quite small and very ridiculous. 2. A White Elephant party is also a great way to have all the fun of exchanging gifts without the expense. Start with a refresher on the general rules, then pick a theme that’s right for your group of friends. As with a Secret Santa Party, you can have guests bring a snack to contribute to make your prep work that much simpler. 3. On the day of your party, simply create a Christmas mood and get ready for a hysterical gift exchange with some of your favorite people.

Christmas Caroling & Sing Along1. Pick a date, customize this card, and send it to everyone you know who starts listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, turns it off (reluctantly) starting January first, and sings along with great zeal at every opportunity in between. 2. Plan to head out into the ‘hood and take your crooning door-to-door. Or stay at home to sing together as a group to a karaoke machine or just your favorite holiday playlist. Whether your guests are crazy talented or just plain crazy, nobody will leave your party without feeling fully festive. 3. To prep for the evening, print out multiple copies of all the lyrics to your favorite holiday tunes. Put out a spread of cookies and eggnog – spiked or otherwise – and let the spirit of Christmas do its thing.
Happy Wacky Holidays! Happy Mixbooking!