Remember when playing dress-up was a legitimate pastime? Well, you can finally get your fix in a forum approved for children and adults alike. A trunk full of props and closet full of capes is all well and good, but there are things you can do with digital dress-up that you can’t pull off in real life. Cue Mixbook dress-up cards. Whether you’re making a custom invitation for a kid or creating a set of silly notecards just for fun, dressing up your cards is a great way to have a little fun with your photos. Here’s the How-To: Start by choosing a card that features a large photograph. To bypass the quick card editor, click “Modify Card.” Add your photo to the design, then click on the “Stickers” button. You can click “browse stickers,” or you can search for the stickers you want to play around with. For dressing up your photo card, I recommend searching by “mustache,” “horns,” “bow tie,” “tiara,” “wand,” “lips,” “crown,” and “hat.” Or choose the “Pirate Dress-Up” theme from within the sticker search screen; you’ll see the list of sticker themes in a column to the left. Simply click on the stickers you like to add them to your project. Then drag and drop onto your photo. Drag the corner inward or outward to decrease or increase your sticker size, and let your curser hover over the top of your sticker to use the rotate tool to turn the sticker so it sits naturally over your image. And now for the fun…
Dress Up the Birthday Boy or Girl Create a unique birthday invitation by uploading a great picture of your child into one of Mixbook’s many photo birthday invitations. Choose stickers appropriate to the theme of the party – think pirate hats or princess tiaras – and decorate your child’s smiling face to make him or her the star of the celebration right from the start. An invitation like this is perfect for parties where guests are also invited to dress in keeping with the theme, just remember to make it clear on the card so every princess gets her moment to shine and every pirate has his chance to yo-ho-ho along with his mates. Extra credit: if your birthday girl or boy happens to be a baby, it’s especially cute to dress him or her up with an eye-patch sticker and have them wielding a digital machete! It doesn’t get much funnier than that.
Make Fun-Loving Notecards Any search on YouTube will show you how profoundly uncooperative most normal pets are when recruited for games of dress-up. Sure, there’s the rare example of a cat who allows himself to be gift-wrapped, but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to convince your cat to wear a hat or hold a wand. Enter Mixbook! With the magic of Mixbook’s smart online editor, you can get your cat to participate in a full-fledged fashion show! Put him in big red lips, hats, eye patches, tiaras, crowns, baseball caps, mustaches or horns and see which best suits his countenance. You may be surprised at how fabulous your bulldog looks in a tiara, for example. Hey, you might even learn a little something about your four-legged friend’s alter ego. Print up a set of notecards to have on hand for thank-yous to the pet-sitter or your favorite vet anyone else who revels in having a pet.
Play Digital Dress-Up With Your Baby
While you can perhaps get your baby into a change of clothes slightly more successfully than you can a cat, dog or goldfish, for me that margin was slim. In the few photo shoots I even attempted with my children when they were babies, there was never more than one costume change. Mixbook to the rescue! Simply follow the suggestions in the above paragraph, inserting “baby” anywhere you see “pet.” Good stuff.
Get a Little Irreverent Here’s one category I’ll refrain from illustrating – and I’ll even hold myself back from specific examples because when you get in the realm of playful irreverence, what one person finds funny another finds offensive. But assuming you’re planning to send your cards or invitations to others with similar allegiances, this can be a super fun category to play around with. If you’re hosting a party to watch a big football game, for example, grab a photo of the MVP from the opposing team and use Mixbook stickers to put a baby’s pacifier in his mouth and have him holding a rattle. The juxtaposition of a large brute of a man decked out with pretty pastel accessories is pure hilarity! Get a little devilish, have a lot fun, and let your imagination run wild….
Happy Mixbooking!