What dad wants for Father’s Day may be different than what mom wants for Mother’s Day, but that doesn’t mean dad doesn’t need attention. You can be sure dad wants to be doted on just like mom. You already know that a necktie and underwear are not high on his list, but it can take some creative thinking to figure out how to give dad something that’s both meaningful now and cherished for a lifetime. Especially since dads have a tendency to value experiences over sentimentalism, a photo book made especially for him on Father’s Day is the perfect way to let pictures do the talking. Your photographs will say it all – and captions here and there can be reminders of the fun you shared with inside jokes, special memories, funny stories – and nothing too over-the-top.
Family Adventures Create an album that chronicles a family adventure – from fishing and boating to hiking and camping, dad will love a full account of the family trip! Include a variety of perspectives – from the slick shots he took on his high-end SLR to quick snaps the kids took on their fish-eye digital. Your book will represent a true family account of the shared experience. Use the quick and easy Mixbook smart editor to flow photos into the template of your choice, then add captions and stories that are meaningful to your family.
"Everyday Chalkboard"
"Full Photo"
"White Portfolio"
Celebration Book Plan a fun Father’s Day celebration, then create a photo book to preserve the memory. Whether your special day for dad hinges on a small family picnic, a full-on party with friends and family, or a day of golf followed by an informal afternoon gathering – take plenty of snaps of dad with all his favorite people. Upload your photos into one of Mixbook’s photo book templates created just for Father’s Day. Use the smart editor to flow your photos right into the template chronologically, then manually group as you wish for a quick and easy way to create a totally custom book for dad.
"Refined Father's Day"
"Gone Golfing"
"Father's Day"
Dad’s Always Game Whether dad’s known for his expert coaching or his exceptional cheering from the bleachers, if he’s a sporty guy, a photo book featuring your teams or one that chronicles all the sporting events you’ve gone to together is the perfect Father’s Day gift. Upload photos plus scans of ticket stubs and programs. Add scores and records to captions for a full recap of the year’s biggest games. Dad will know you’re his biggest fan.
Brilliant Dad-Isms Create a photo book that celebrates everything you love about your dad – even the ordinary, everyday things he does. With plenty of room for photos, plus lots of sweet and funny captions built in, Mixbook’s Dad-isms template is ideal. Include lots of photos of dad with family, but make sure to also celebrate the things that dad does that make your proud, for example, you can include shots of him looking spiffy as he heads off to work, participating in an organized event, decked out in his bike gear, playing on a sports team, coaching Little League, etc. Dad will love the special homage to who he is, and he’ll especially love that you’ve clearly been listening to the things he says (over and over…)!
Dad’s a Perfect Ten! Use Mixbook’s 10 Things I Love About Dad template to create a photo book that expresses all the unique attributes that make your dad the best. Simply enter your list into the pre-designed template and add a photograph or two to illustrate each one. Dad will love that you appreciate all the many facets that make him unique and extra special.
Happy Mixbooking! Happy Father’s Day, Daddy-Os!